bee-isms – a two point five month update


here we are. well past the two point five month mark for bee, and just getting around to posting an update for the first time in months. because, baby brothers. man, they take some work. lucky for my blog, mine is just about to reach non-baby status as steps are inevitable any day now. and in other news, his older sibling has reached gut-retching, so grown up, self-reported-big-kid status. my heart bursts. last night putting her to bed she told me she loved me for the very first time non-solicited. ‘i love you mommy’ is not something you think you have to toil so long and hard for, but i’ll tell you it was a long, long 2.5 years to get us here.


bee’s favorite things lately:

  • ballet – i mistakenly signed her up for tumbling and before every class she reminds me she would rather be going to ballet. i suspect the lack of tutus in gym class have a lot to do with this.
  • snacks. mealtime, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are trigger words for her – ‘nooo I just want a snack’. apparently kale salad has lost its allure whilst cheddar bunnies are always welcome. i have taken to calling all meals, including veggie pasta pesto salads ‘snacks’ now, and the trick seems to be working so far.

i cannot bear to correct her grammar or mispronunciations. i think it keeps her in little kid realm as long as i can keep these going. here are a few of my favorites:

  • i fream – ice cream
  • carra – car
  • fuool- school…second favorite pretend is bringing lunch to school and eating it. she does not stand for my ‘lessons’ that i try to add to the equation. straight for the lunchbox it is.
  • footer-scooter
  • omol- oatmeal
  • i did it. by meself!
  • daddy, push you in.
  • bamum – bottom
  • baby wool – baby will
  • trackee – tractor
  • ice saking – ice skating…favorite pretend came out of nowhere. she ice sakes on anything you could possibly conceive.
  • bakset- basket
  • dabid – grandpa david


(originally posted September 24, 2014)
city tractoring...

city tractoring…

sporting her birthday dress that came two days late.

sporting her birthday dress that came two days late.

she’s TWO! and i don’t capitalize for just any old milestone. this is a big one. the transition from toddlerhood to…a little more of toddlerhood. right? she can’t be considered a kid just yet. it’s just too soon for a mom to handle that one. but the distinction from one to TWO feels like a lifetime of difference. i’m over two weeks late in posting this partly because i am crazy busy with juggling bee’s ever increasing demands with those of a newborn, but also because i find it impossible to capture the essence of bee at this age in five hundred words or less. so i’ll just start with what we did on the big day and go from there.

we celebrated with a full day devoted to bee. roller coasters, story time, cookies, no nap time, play kitchens, grandparents, balloons, swings, slides, and cake. toddler heaven.

she started the day by reading library books to her brother in his bassinet. totally on her own. i just realized she opened to the page with babies in their cribs and is pointing it out to him here. this is too much for my little mama heart to handle.

she started the day by reading library books to her brother in his bassinet. totally on her own. i just realized she opened to the page with babies in their cribs and is pointing it out to him here. this is too much for my little mama heart to handle.

she chose the front seat of the roller coaster and put both hands up in the air after watching the much bigger kids  before us. no fear.

she chose the front seat of the roller coaster and put both hands up in the air after watching the much bigger kids  before us. no fear.

she craves the new…it has always been this way with her. not satisfied with routine. we always have to have a fresh stack of new books from the library each week. art supplies are only interesting the first few times (although she’s getting better about that) and when we circle the block to go to the closest playground she protests, no, new! if all slides have been conquered, the magic is gone. to wit we have explored all the parks and school playgrounds within running distance (which amount to over twenty; another reason to love ne portland) and have biked or driven to dozens more.

so a trip to the cooney island of the northwest, oaks amusement park, for chipper’s preschool rides, was in order on this special day to top our daily routine.

she unknowingly ceded the front seat of the car, thinking that her place is naturally in the back.

she unknowingly ceded the front seat of the car, thinking that her place is naturally in the back.

would this rocket fly today with machine gun artillery for toddlers? this speaks to how classic these rides are.

would this rocket fly today with machine gun artillery for toddlers? this speaks to how classic these rides are.

daddy and grandma were on hand to hold the baby and help bee onto the rides. not an occasion to attempt by myself with the two minis. she scales the highest slides when she catches me nursing will and knows i won’t be able to lend a hand to help. i’ll call out to wait for me and she’ll give me a sideways glance with a clear message that she takes that as a dare.  **word of caution to new parents: this is what you get when you run to parks daily at seven months. will is going to stay strapped to me in the ergo until he is five.

party planning in her future: of all the 30+ colors available, she picked out white and black balloons. and coordinated what i thought to be pretty well-matched party napkins and pirate plates.

party planning in her future: of all the 30+ colors available, she picked out white and black balloons. and coordinated what i thought to be pretty well-matched party napkins and pirate plates.

maybe she's just showing off her new kicks here. more likely, taking advantage of the situation and putting her feet up on the table because she knows how to push mom's buttons.

maybe she’s just showing off her new kicks here. more likely, taking advantage of the situation and putting her feet up on the table because she knows how to push mom’s buttons.

bee is a very adventurous eater. she’ll slurp the juice out of an oyster and doesn’t grimmace when i add broccoli, kale or beets to smoothies. sushi, coconut water, and seasnax are favorite treats. but then she will only eat a tomato if plucked freshly from the vine. and she will find any hidden potato (mashed, cubed in soup, drizzled with butter) and immediately discard the contents from her mouth. but for today, we went with pizza and chocolate milk, because DAIRY! her favorite. whipped cream, hot cocoa, cold milk, ice cream. all her favorite things.

naming body parts never gets old. 'eyes!'

naming body parts never gets old. ‘eyes!’

tea for me!?

tea for me!?

when putting bee to bed these days, she repeats what she has heard nightly: mommy will pat you, okay? as a command to me pointing at her back mommypachyouk? i’m starting to think she believes it’s one word meaning something closer to love than just back pats. since birth she has been somewhat indifferent to (read: hates) my singing. but lately she’s eased up as i make up new words to her favorite elmo radio tunes. she’s even started to request “song” at bedtime – likely fishing to delay bedtime. i’ll bite. i sing a good night roll call to her family and all of her lovies in her bed and when I run out of objects she says “more more” and starts singing goodnight to anything around her that I left out – her pajamas, windows, and diapers. the latter makes her giggle with such glee. how does a not even two-year-old know that’s funny?

and now just a whole lot of pictures of bee in her happy place.

and now just a whole lot of pictures of bee in her happy place.

hi little piggy. over and out.

hi little piggy. over and out.

super mellow will’s super speedy birth

two months young

weekending on the plateau

(originally posted March 20, 2014)

some might think disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but at this age, grandma’s house gives mickey a run for his money. i am certain bee gained a pound for each day we visited, because i can hardly lift her now. she got the requisite ice cream, cookies, butter-loaded pancakes and showering of attention. and she ate it up. all of it.

the three hour trip north with a car-seat-hater couldn’t have gone more smoothly. we headed out early to stop at the vancouver library (only fifteen minutes closer to our destination, but at least it was heading in the right direction). this place! so under the radar to us portlandians. i liken it to a free mini-kids-museum with an entire floor dedicated to wee ones with way more than books to entertain.

after almost two full hours of serious play, we hit the road full of dreamy expectations that nap time would eat up at least half of the remaining time, but no-such-luck. she dozed for around twenty minutes and then perked up to say ‘uh oh’. i think she had dropped her mango slice that she remembered clutching while nodding off. maybe i should’ve stuck with a more sleepy pandora station, but i had to keep my pregnant body awake, so avett brothers it was. that could’ve done it, too. luckily that same impossible-to-devour overly-hardened dried mango slice entertained her for a full hour, but a second stop was necessary around tacoma to get some wiggles out. so after another pit stop at wapato park for the slides, swings, and off-leash doggie area, our travel north continued with nothing particularly consequential, which is just as i hoped.

and now for some action shots at the vancouver, washington, kiddie-playground library, because i forgot to take pictures of the next three days….

hey! lookie what i did there. and i didn't even see what was behind her when framing this shot. awesome.

hey! lookie what i did there. and i didn’t even see what was behind her when framing this shot. awesome.

b is also for 'boat' to climb into.

b is also for ‘boat’ to climb into.

the one place where this outfit does not stand out. so much color she almost blends right in.

the one place where this outfit does not stand out. so much color she almost blends right in.

so many things for busy toddler mitts

so many things for busy toddler mitts

wheels for spinning.

wheels for spinning.

i asked her to tell me a joke, she knock knocked on the window. no joke. so that's something.

i asked her to tell me a joke, she knock knocked on the window. no joke. so that’s something.

puddling lately

February 21, 2014

bee’s recipe for an ideal day, leading to a peaceful evening and a restful night for mama:

  • no less than two doses of outside time which can include a walk, a search for those helicopter things (bee calls them ‘seeds’) that you can throw and spin around in the backyard, puddle stomping, or playground play
  • physical activity in the form of the above or dancing in a big open space like our basement or the grocery store
  • protein-filled snacks like hummus and cheeses
  • friends – be it a play date, kiddie event, or a chance encounter with neighborhood kids (bee calls them ‘babies’ despite the fact that they are all quite older than her)

if we miss any of these things, there’s a chorus to our evenings of ‘mama, mimi, mommy’ with arms outreached and legs collapsing underneath. and if we fill our day with too many stimulating experiences, the chorus is amplified. the simpler the day, the better. so basically, i cannot wait for the sun to come back.

life lately has been all muck and no sunshine. and yet, bee still insists on at least twice-daily adventures in fresh air. one of her first words to master was ‘go’ and it is the mantra for our days, rainy or not. if she merely sees the great outdoors, she wants to go to there. but a recent discovery of puddles means we don’t have to leave the backyard. an hour or more can be spent examining the lack of proper drainage on our pavers.

i’ve also gotten in the habit of walking bee to sleep in the afternoon, which is not necessarily enjoyable for me now that my belly is protruding in the front nearly as much as bee on my back. then add a downpour and the fact that i can only find a child-size umbrella, and it makes for a particularly wet situation. still hasn’t held us back though. the fear of her skipping a nap or crying is much greater than the fear of lower back pain these days.

because crying. eye puddles, man. they have been coming to me more often than my life calls for. particularly moving ice dance in sochi? puddle. athlete falls down during ski cross race? puddle. realizing i accidentally deleted a year’s worth of iphone videos and cannot complete my family movie montage? big puddle. is it the time of year? pregnancy hormones? the insomnia i’ve had for days? probably option d. all of the above.

but oh yes, we are leaving for kona on sunday. so i expect these puddles will all dry up.

oh ya, that fancy gold-sequined collar? we were playing dress up with bee's tutus and headbands right before the little ones spotted the pool in the backyard.

oh ya, that fancy gold-sequined collar? we were playing dress up with bee’s tutus and headbands right before the little ones spotted the pool in the backyard.

someone loves to put her hair in a ponytail - even though there is hardly enough hair to call it that.

someone loves to put her hair in a ponytail – even though there is hardly enough hair to call it that.

happy tuesday + it’s a…